mortgage capacity assessments

Helping you achieve a fair divorce settlement

At The Money Partnership, our mortgage experts can assess a person’s mortgage raising capacity and prepare an accurate and clear report suitable for court. For information on our different types of reports and fees associated, see below…

If you would like to instruct us to carry out a mortgage capacity assessment, we require you to fill out an MCA Data Request Form, which can be requested from

Once the form has been returned and the report has been purchased, we can produce the report in up to 5 working days. Please allow yourself enough time before your court date. We cannot always accommodate last-minute instructions.

individual reports

Standard Report
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Standard Report

Demonstrating a persons maximum mortgage borrowing based on their current circumstances.

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Comparison Report
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Comparison Report

Demonstrating a persons maximum mortgage borrowing based on their current circumstances compared to one other scenario e.g. with/without debt, with/without maintenance payments, change in income.

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Multiple Scenario Report
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Multiple Scenario Report

Demonstrating a persons maximum mortgage borrowing based on their current circumstances compared to multiple other scenarios e.g. varying maintenance payments, varying deposit amounts.

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Amendment Fee
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Amendment Fee

Should the report need amending, either to add a new scenario or reassess a persons maximum mortgage borrowing due to a change in circumstances, our fee would be £99+

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joint report

Standard Joint Report
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Standard Joint Report

The fee for a Standard Joint Report is £700 (£350 per party). Each party can pay separately by clicking below. This report will demonstrate the maximum borrowing each party can secure along with the monthly repayments. Please note, if you need a mortgage expert to assess how different scenarios affect mortgage capacity, please request this in your Letter with Instruction so that we can determine a fee for the additional work.

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