an end to the ‘blame game’

how the new divorce bill affects your clients

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The new divorce bill set to take affect next year will allow couples to apply for a divorce by making a statement of irretrievable breakdown where previously one spouse had to place blame on the other to be granted a divorce (or face years of separation).

But we don’t need to tell you that. As a solicitor, you’ll know all about the new divorce bill and how it’s changed the divorce process for your clients. What we would like you to consider is how the divorce bill affects your clients financially.

As you know, the new divorce bill aims to reduce conflict amongst couples and with the new minimum time frame of six months from application to granting, couples will have a chance to reflect on their relationship and think rationally about their next move.

Though your priority is their legal affairs - the separating of your clients and their spouse’s finances included - your client needs to give thought to how they will stand on their own two feet post-divorce. This was always the case, however with the new divorce bill potentially speeding up the divorce process, we want to ensure your clients plan ahead and feel confident about managing their finances independently.

our recommendation

Pre financial settlement - We recommend your clients obtain financial advice before their financial settlement as well as after. Forecasting their financial future will help them gain an understanding of how they/you need to put their case forward for the financial settlement.

Post financial settlement - We also recommend your clients obtain financial advice after their financial settlement so that they understand what the result means for their financial future and what they need to do to manage their finances effectively moving forward.

Just to remind you, we do not charge for these financial reviews. We’re always happy to have a no obligation chat with your clients to help them understand their financial position and ways to improve it. Please do get in touch if you would like to introduce our support to your clients.


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